Friday, September 5, 2014

Week Four

This Week

This short week was a busy one we wrapped up our study of the Iranian Revolution and Modern Iran by learning about the Iran-Iraq War and reading about human rights issues in Iran today. After that, on Thursday, we began our study of Early India and then moved onto the Indian Independence movement on Friday.

Next Week

This reading will prepare students to take part again next week in another simulation. This time they will be preparing to play the role of the British as they decide how to break apart India in the 1940s as the Indians are clamoring for Independence.

On Tuesday during study hall students who read Persepolis are invited to join Ms. Reid and I for a book club discussion, which should be a lot of fun.

Our first entire South America quiz was today, and our second will happen next Friday. It will be the same quiz both times, so if your son or daughter needs practice please have them continue to practice it by visiting this link.

Lastly, the 10th grade team now has a page where you can easily find out more about all of your teachers and about some of the projects we do each year. You can find it at

Check out our new website

Have a great weekend!

~Mr. Grieve

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